
Friday 7 June 2013

inside fun

We are now approaching mid-winter here in New Zealand. This is one of my favorite times of the year not least because it is my boy's birthday on the shortest day closely followed by mine. 

Apart from the rain and the cold, we have had our fair share of illness around here lately and so we have been spending more time indoors.

Today I thought I would show you a few of the inside activities my kids have been getting up to lately.

Good old home made playdough (recipe below) - joint birthday celebration cake for their toys apparently!

We have discovered a new way to make pom poms from the book 'Adventures in Pom Pom Land' that Evie found at the library.

Hours of fun baking and decorating biscuits.

We made some new table placemats with some of their paintings.

The children made themselves a workspace in my workroom  - I love the concentration on their faces.

These lucky gnomes came out of the workroom in very fine clothes!


1 cup Flour
1 cup Warm water
2 tsp Cream of tartar
1 tsp Oil
1/4 Cup of salt
food colouring
optional extra - a few drops of lavender essential oil

Mix all ingredients together in a pan. Stir over a medium heat until smooth.

It is fun to play with whilst still warm and the addition of a few drops of lavender smells wonderful and is quite calming.

Have fun!



  1. Looks like great indoor fun! xx

  2. I love those woven placemats! Just beautiful!

    1. Yes they worked really well. We put them in a large plastic folder each after to make them wipe clean for the table - I guess either this or laminate them.
