
Saturday 29 June 2013

One year anniversary giveaway!

And the winner is....

nz green buttons

congratulations! I will be in touch soon.

Thank you to everyone who entered. It was so wonderful to read your comments and to know there are people following what we do.

(Update 6th July: entries now closed. Thank you for your comments. The winner will be announced later on today. Sam)


I started this blog a year ago this month. Whist I haven't been the most prolific blogger I have enjoyed sharing some of our creative makings and enjoy hearing your feedback. It has opened up a whole new online community for me, one that I am still learning how to be a part of.

For our 1 year anniversary we will be hosting a small giveaway. Just a token of our appreciation for you folks coming and checking out what we are doing and helping spread the good word about the things we make.

So, for one lucky reader we would like to offer these two lovely wooden ducks along with some wooden grass. Perfect for stories or creative play.

Just leave a comment below and the kids will draw a name out of a hat this time next week. For another entry you could become a follower of our blog (I blog once a week) or you could like our new facebook page.

Many thanks + good luck



  1. I'm a blog follower and have been for a while. My favourites never seem to blog very often though! I'm scared of ducks but I would love to win these to grow my baby girls wooden toy collection.

  2. I'm a follower! I've got my eye on a few things in your felt shop for my Christmas list! Such beautiful things!

  3. I've just liked you on Facebook too!

  4. cutie little ducks! great idea. will share on fbook too. : D

  5. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. We love your little wooden animals so much - some of your gorgeous ducks would be a very happy addition to our play area.. Please do enter us into your giveaway! I'm a follower already :) xx

  6. I have two small grandchildren who would love these beautiful wooden pieces.
    I really enjoy following your blog.

  7. Congratulations on 1 year! Already a follower of the blog and I'm a liker on Facebook. Well done you guys...Jxx

  8. Beautiful Craftmanship, love your work! Have liked on facebook aswell! Have 2 little boys who would love your ducks! xx

  9. Love your work guys - I'm a follower already :). We're looking forward to being back in NZ with our two boys later in the year, and are looking to slowly build up a small collection of playthings - the ducks would fit perfectly!

  10. I totally follow you. I want your ducks. I'm not going to sugar coat it. =)

  11. Love these so much! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Shannon F.

  12. Oh! And I like your new facebook page (Shannon Foust).

  13. I have admired your dolls houses for a while but just found your FB page and blog via Heartfelt! yay! Put me down for the duck draw please :-)

  14. Hi folks - thanks so much for all your lovely comments and support! I will announce the winner on Saturday. Please make sure I can contact you so I can let you know if you are the lucky winner. Good luck. Sam

  15. Wow! I'm SO excited! Thank you!
