

Hello, my name is Sam.

I live in Auckland, New Zealand with my partner Fil and our lovely children Evie, 6 and Theo, 4.

Fil and I met in London UK where we lived for 12 years. After we had our first child we decided to move to New Zealand as Fil wanted to see his kids grow up in the relaxed and beautiful environment that he did. I liked the sound of that and so left my home country to live on the other side of the world.

Our dream was to simplify our lives so we could spend more time with the children and each other. Fil has a workshop in the garden and works mainly as a freelance carpenter. He loves wood, and was inspired growing up by his grandfather who he spent a lot of time watching in his workshop.

As much as possible in our home we have made. Of course we can't and don't want to make EVERYTHING, but before we buy something we think, do we really need it? could we make it?

We love to have fun making our own as we can make it different and tailored to suit our needs.

We hope to tread lightly on this earth and teach our children to be resourceful and independent through their creativity.

We hope you enjoy reading our blog.

1 comment:

  1. I have been peeking at this site for a while. I’m going to try making a tree stump tree house for my daughters 5th birthday in a couple of months. Your work is incredible
